Litigation :
The specialist litigation team at Capital Consultant can advise and assist with the complexities of litigation to ensure you are properly represented and your rights are protected. Being involved in a dispute can be a worrying time, especially if a resolution appears to be out of sight.
We encourage early dispute resolution but if it is not possible, we can assist you through to trial and enforcement proceedings.
Appointing a specialist litigation lawyer to assist you to navigate the complexity of litigation will greatly assist you and your case.
Commercial disputes:
Resolving commercial disputes both between companies and other commercial enterprises, needs to happen as quickly and efficiently as possible, not only to reduce your exposure to an unfavourable outcome but to ensure profits and reputation are not negatively affected. Working with a specialist litigation lawyer can ensure you receive the best advice and assistance in respect to your commercial dispute.
Enforcement of securities:
If you wish to enforce your contractual securities, appoint a lawyer to guide you through the process.
Insolvency and Recovery
When you or your business are having financial difficulty, it’s important to react quickly.
Every day, businesses fail that could, with the right advice, at the right time, have been successfully turned around.
When advising clients, our experienced team explore all viable alternatives to insolvency. Our specialists have a proven track record in assisting businesses to recover, restructure or refinance as well as helping to put in place sustainable financial strategies.
If more formal measures are necessary, we’ll advise business owners and directors in making an informed decision about the most appropriate insolvency procedure and work to maximise value. Our advisers have experience in liquidation, administration and bankruptcy. In personal and business terms this is the tough end of doing business. We approach it empathetically with a view to maximising the outcomes for all the participants.
Those who seek out expert help early dramatically increase their change of survival.